Being Rhode Island’s Most Trusted Health Partner requires profound dedication on the part of our exceptional staff. With unwavering commitment, unparalleled expertise, and endless compassion, they illuminate the path towards healing and hope.

To our remarkable team, your tireless efforts transform challenges into triumphs, and uncertainty into reassurance. Your steadfast presence embodies the very essence of care, extending far beyond the walls of our institution, touching the lives of each individual and family you serve.

Amidst the ever-changing landscape of healthcare, you stand as beacons of resilience and empathy, guiding us forward with unwavering determination. Your collective spirit infuses South County Health with warmth, kindness, and a profound sense of community.

As we reflect on the past year's journey and celebrate the milestones achieved, let us pause to honor the heartbeat of our organization—the dedicated staff whose service and expertise inspire us all.

Thank you for your extraordinary dedication, for it is through your compassionate service that our community finds solace, healing, and strength.

We dedicate our annual report to our extraordinary staff who continuously embody our values of Integrity, Caring, Respect, Excellence, Partnership, and Stewardship, even during the most challenging times.

Orthopedics Nursing Team
South County Hospital's Orthopedics Nursing Team