Exceptional Financial Performance Through Extraordinary Times
While patient volumes improved over FY2020, the system did not experience the return to pre-pandemic levels as anticipated. Additional challenges were realized from increased labor costs brought by the industry-wide shortage of clinical personnel and the resulting need for more expensive contract labor.
South County Health was successful at utilizing resources efficiently and continued to make investments to treat patients infected with the COVID-19 virus and mitigate the spread, including renovations to the Emergency Department.
With the improved volumes, effective cost management, and additional COVID-19 Relief Funding through the CARES Act, South County Health was able to maintain a positive operating margin for Fiscal Year 2021.
In FY2021, South County Health provided services for 6,518 inpatients, including 3,643 medical patients, 2,141 surgical patients, and 734 infant deliveries.
South County Health provided 231,915 outpatient service encounters, including 24,112 Emergency Department visits and 4,376 outpatient surgical cases; 197,763 physician encounters, and 71,732 skilled home care visits.